“Jeff, how did you meet your Wife?”

Recently I did a video interview with Jeff T. from The Branding Shop on Mainstreet in downtown Bastrop. Feel free to check it out on our youtube channel. Jeff shared the story of how and why his wife and him chose Bastrop, Texas for their business that has been there now for 9 years. If you missed the interview, they own an amazing Branding Shop that can basically put a logo on anything. They do business with local schools, businesses, the Bastrop Veterans Car Show, and they also “do Wedding Stuff." One of the reasons was how amazing the local businesses and Bastrop Chamber of Commerce are; I must agree. Bastrop is a magical place that I am very happy to be a part of.

With such an amazing business I had to ask the question, “Jeff, How did you meet your wife?” And the story is very endearing. It is so endearing that you should check out Bastrop Wedding Pros on YouTube so you can hear his answer for yourself.

Until Next Time,



Spring Bastrop Bridal Extravaganza